WBCSD offers support for countries to transform their markets towards a net-zero built environment

The 全球建筑与建设联盟 (GlobalABC) brings together governments, experts, 企业和非政府组织减少 排放和增加建筑环境的复原力. 作为GlobalABC指导委员会的联合主席, WBCSD joined their annual General Assembly to discuss critical decarbonization measures ahead of COP27.

Published: 31 Mar 2022
Author: WBCSD Communications
Type: Insight

On 7-9 March 2022, the 全球建筑与建设联盟 (全球广播公司)在尼斯举行了年度大会, France, hosted by the French government and ADEME as an official side event of the French EU Presidency.

At the Assembly, WBCSD, 由Roland Hunziker代表,建筑环境总监, 再次当选为全球广播公司指导委员会联合主席,任期再延长两年, alongside Regis Meyer and Yves-Laurent Sapoval of the French Ministry of Ecological and Inclusive Transition.

代表企业的声音, WBCSD将继续领导GlobalABC的市场转型计划. The objective is to create lasting change in market behavior by removing existing barriers and identifying leverage points that will accelerate the transition to a net-zero built environment.


WBCSD’s Executive Vice President Diane Holdorf addressed the High-Level Segment of GlobalABC’s General Assembly with a contribution stressing the importance of a common vision and deep collaboration between all stakeholders to transform the market.

Diane acknowledged that the full decarbonization of the built environment would require all companies to work towards the same objective. Leading companies have set science-based targets that bring them in line with keeping global warming within the limits identified by the Paris Agreement.

实现自己的目标, 这些公司需要与价值链上的其他公司合作, 因为一家公司的第三类排放可能是另一家公司的第一或第二类排放. 一个关键因素是需求方行为者——那些投资于, developing, 拥有和占用建筑物-设定明确的碳性能要求, 因为这将使整个价值链保持一致.


The Assembly discussed how to engage countries to take ambitious action towards building decarbonization and resilience. The 26th UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow placed strong emphasis on the built environment, 专门的“城市”, “区域与建筑环境日”和“一个结合”的业务 & “建筑物展览馆”,在会议期间展出. COP26在所有利益攸关方群体中产生的势头, including business, finance, cities and governments, 为27国峰会前进一步的雄心和行动奠定了坚实的基础th 在沙姆沙伊赫举行的《正规博彩十大网站》缔约方会议(COP27).

The High-Level Segment also included interventions by representatives from Denmark, France,  Morocco,  AFD, as well as from Dr. 参加第27届联合国气候变化大会的埃及高级别气候捍卫者马哈茂德·穆希尔丁. 他们强调需要采取强有力和雄心勃勃的国家行动, 认识到到2050年快速实现建筑脱碳的必要性, and the need for collaboration between countries of different regions and state and non-state actors. New national policies in France and Denmark include compulsory greenhouse gas (GHG) emission thresholds based on life-cycle assessment, taking into account emissions related to energy consumption as well as the carbon footprint of building materials and equipment. 这些门槛将随着时间的推移而加强.


公司按国家的法律法规经营, 地区和地方政府, 公共利益相关者代表了关键的需求方参与者. It is important that governments lead by example and put in place regulation and procurement procedures that favor low-carbon solutions, while ensuring a level-playing field for all solutions to play a role in the transition. The policies and regulations different countries adopt can vary quite substantially, 这意味着公司必须使用不同的定义, 方法和要求. This makes it difficult to scale investments into lower carbon solutions along the value chain.

WBCSD advocates for all stakeholders to adopt a clear definition of what a net-zero building means – considering the whole life-cycle carbon emissions – to use consistent methodologies, share data and set performance and procurement requirements based on a full life-cycle approach.


WBCSD has been leading work under the GlobalABC’s Work Area 3 on defining what it will take to transform the built environment towards net zero. As WBCSD outlined at COP26, 所有来自商界的参与者, finance, policy and science need to work together to advance key market transformation levers based on two underlying enablers:

  • A shared understanding of the importance of the built environment for climate mitigation and a common vision for its urgent decarbonization as a system;
  • 在所有利益相关者之间进行彻底而深入的合作的重要性.

The levers are:

1)      Adopt life-cycle thinking and Whole-Life Carbon Assessment across the full value chain, 对齐关键指标, 相应的指标和目标

2)      Integrate the carbon cost and reflect it in the price of products and services throughout the value chain, 包括在采购和分类方面

3)      Transform the supply and demand dynamics to incentivize low-carbon solutions based on the Whole-Life Carbon approach

建筑环境占全球碳排放量的40%. We need to halve emissions by 2030 and reach net-zero across the full life cycle by 2050. This is possible if we overcome the fragmentation of this system and engage in radical and deep collaboration towards the common goal.

WBCSD brings together leading global businesses along the full value chain to accelerate the system transformations needed for a net-zero, 自然积极和更公平的未来. 全球广播公司是跨部门对话的重要平台, WBCSD will continue to support policymakers toward building decarbonization and resilience, and we call for close involvement of the private sector to support countries’ roadmaps and action plans.

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